Over 14,000 dentures are lost annually in UK care homes and hospitals. Replacing them requires four visits and costs over £1,000, and new dentures rarely feel as good as the originals. Here’s how to obtain an exact replica more quickly and at a fraction of the cost. Locate a scanner, and send us your data file.
Accessing NHS dentists is currently challenging, and funding for domiciliary visits and community dental services has declined more than for general services. However, some dentists and companies offer excellent care and affordable options through dental plans.
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Since I qualified in 1982 we are more aware of our dental plaque, which we now rename as oral biofilm. The best way to improve it is to mechanically clean it.
These are some products that may help. Press on the image to buy the product, and on the video to see why.
Apply 10% discount code "TEETH4LIFE"
These are some products that may help. Press on the image to buy the product, and on the video to see why.
Apply 10% discount code "TEETH4LIFE"