3D printing
14,000 dentures get lost in care homes and hospitals each year. It takes over a month to get replacements made, over £1000 as few have fee for domiciliary visits, and its not economically viable for new full dentures on the NHS. It is viable to make copy dentures on the NHS.
This is a typical video from one of the many dentists in the USA promoting scanning and 3D printing.
As a dentist you may want to check his 3D printed ceramic veneers.
Not quite as profitable as his nurse scanning dentures, and mouths for prevention while he is playing golf.
As a dentist you may want to check his 3D printed ceramic veneers.
Not quite as profitable as his nurse scanning dentures, and mouths for prevention while he is playing golf.
This is an example of a set of copy dentures.
And these are some other options.
Get in touch for a full range of options, and pricing.